Jason is that rare breed of client that comes from a creative background. Which makes judging good creative and implementing it into the Takealot brand so second-nature for him. We snatch a few minutes of his time for some questions.
Whether you're interested in using AI in any shape or form yet, it does help to know what's out there, and specifically, if it can be applied to any part of your process.
We sit down with a Filmer client who has a long history of formulating briefs, judging creative, commissioning production companies, and being present on set to make sure it all goes down right.
Every year we see trends that proliferate filmmaking and video content. One of the most popular that we've seen this year is the comeback of 4:3 aspect ratios.
Have you ever tried to hide a camera crew in a mirror? It's a bit of a challenge. So how are all these shots accomplished? The answer is: a variety of ways.
Zigi & Dibi represent what Filmer set out to do - provide opportunities and open the gates to emerging filmmaking talent. After having won and shot two projects through Filmer, we thought it time to have them answer a few questions about their path.
How to write and put together a treatment is key to winning production jobs through Filmer. But what goes into a job-winning treatment we hear so many ask? We got you. Please see a rough and loose treatment template.
Every job on Filmer starts with a clear, informative and inviting brief that becomes the road map in guiding our community of creators. For a few pointers on how to write a brief that catches our community's eye and gets them pitching, please have a gander.